Here are 51 ways to help you stay focused and relentlessly committed to making 2019 your best year yet….
- Know the things you make a priority are the things that get done, start by setting priorities that actually mean something to you
- Measure your success, not by your net worth but by your self worth – how happy, fulfilled, and at peace you feel
- Rather than doing many things at mediocrity do just a few things with personal mastery
- Know your top 5 – the five things that need to happen by the end of this year, for you to feel it’s been your best year yet
- Read and visualize your top 5 every morning
- Take personal responsibility for your health and happiness
- Live by a code – stay true to your own values
- Train like an athlete – physically, nutritionally, mentally
- Commit to a daily spiritual practice that grounds and connects you
- Develop a personal growth plan
- Wake up earlier and have a morning routine- This is the secret to your SUPERPOWERS
- Be fully present in all you do
- Commit to giving no more, and no less, than your personal best to all you do (even when no one is watching!) – have the awareness and self compassion to know that your personal best will be different day to day
- Give more than you expect in return
- Remember that even a 1% daily progress rate amounts to at least a 100% rate of progress in 100 days.
- Surround yourself with positive people who empower you and are committed to living with integrity and personal greatness
- Believe in your dreams – even when no one else does
- Follow your curiosity
- Do one thing that scares you, or that you want to procrastinate, EVERY DAY
- Remember we all crave connection – have the bravery to be vulnerably authentic
- Focus less on making money and more on creating and giving value
- Be willing to fail. It’s the price of greatness.
- Be the most positive person in every room you’re in
- Commit to leaving everything you touch better than you found it.
- Ignore the highlight reel
- Use Comparison as a source of joy – know it is calling out to your own hidden potential
- Give intentional and genuine compliments or praises to people in your life at least once a day
- Send handwritten notes to friends, family, and clients
- Carve out time for reflection & planning – daily, weekly, monthly
- Practice patience – know all good things take time
- Celebrate progress – this is necessary for motivation, endurance, and momentum in pursuit of your goals
- Underpromise and then overdeliver
- Rise from a daily job to a mighty mission
- Become unavailable to the struggle – life wants you to WIN so get out of your own way
- Know your greatest growth and opportunity lies on the other side of your fear
- Make sleep and rest a priority – without feeling guilty for it!
- View setbacks and adversity as an opportunity to grow, gain more clarity, and become a person of character
- Be comfortable with being alone and create alone time to recharge
- Do things that make you smile more
- Remember nothing fails like success. Celebrate success, revel in progress, appreciate where you are.. But commit to continuous greatness
- Find and use your voice for good
- Commit to being a loving energy that lifts up others
- Spend time in nature
- Pursue your passions
- Limit time on social media
- Unplug when with family and friends
- Take your vacation time
- Know, set, and respect your personal boundaries – it’s ok to say NO
- Plan romantic date nights at least 2x a month
- Live with the end in mind
- Discover your special gifts so you can live your greater purpose
And if you’re ready to make 2019 the year you finally say yes to you and everything you really want to do. If you’re ready to take the reigns on your life…. to stop walking through the motions… To break past the glass ceiling you’ve put on yourself so you can experience lasting peace, happiness, and fulfillment.
If you’re ready to reach for your true greatness…
It’s time for you to Clarify your Calling
Here’s to living your greatness,
xo Nicole
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