Bilberry is high in antioxidant-rich flavanoid compounds called anthocyanidins, which have been shown to play a supporting role in maintaining good cardiovascular health and a strong immune system.
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How to COnquer Your Fears
Truly magical things can happen when you lean into your fears! The things you fear are usually the things you should do because on the other side of fear lies your greatest opportunity for growth.
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How to Become Your Own Best Friend
Our thoughts dictate our life. Don’t believe me… read the rest of this post, pay attention to your thoughts, and reflect on the outcome. 😉
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The Health Benefits of Acerola Cherry
Acerola is most well-known for being extremely rich in vitamin C. Because of this, it’s often used to help with or prevent colds or flu. It’s also used as an antioxidant nutrient. Together with vitamin C, acerola may be taken to boost immunity.
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The Real Reason We Procrastinate and how to find motivation
Procrastination is a learned habit. A sneaky, bad habit that you’ve adopted over time. And each time you procrastinate something you lower your energy, motivation, and subconsciously strengthen self-doubting beliefs. But the good news is that you can change that!
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How to Take Control of Your Life
I want to help you take control of your life. I want to give you the one powerful question that will help you take control of your life – to have success in whatever it is that you are reaching for.
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The Health Benefits of Flax Seed
With my health history, I am all about anything that can protect against cancer and maintaining my health so I had to research it further. Here is what I learned…
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12 Ways to Live Intentionally Every Single Day
This week is all about bringing more intentionality to these little big things that shape the direction of your life. Today is day 1 of being more proactive with the habits that shape the two building blocks everything in life is built on…..Your Health and Mindset.
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Morning Routine for Busy Moms
I’m sharing some elements of my morning routine that have become SO critical — they’ve taken me from SURVIVAL MODE to THRIVE MODE.
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Amaranth: An Amazing Source of Fiber, Protein and Antioxidants
Amaranth is a good source of fiber, protein, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, and iron, along with several other important micronutrients.
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