I want to help you take control of your life. I want to give you the one powerful question that will help you take control of your life – to have success in whatever it is that you are reaching for.
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Intentional Living
The Health Benefits of Flax Seed
With my health history, I am all about anything that can protect against cancer and maintaining my health so I had to research it further. Here is what I learned…
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12 Ways to Live Intentionally Every Single Day
This week is all about bringing more intentionality to these little big things that shape the direction of your life. Today is day 1 of being more proactive with the habits that shape the two building blocks everything in life is built on…..Your Health and Mindset.
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What Makes You Feel Stuck in Life
Feeling stuck in life is probably one of the most frustrating feelings. You have this burning desire that you’re meant for more and know you’re capable of taking it to the next level but have no idea what the next step should be.
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Your Habits Can Change Your Life
The two building blocks of life are your health and your mindset. The good news, you can be proactive with both!
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Three Activities to Master Your Mindset
Transformation is hard, it’s not supposed to be easy… it causes chaos in your life. That’s exactly why we must be proactive with doing all we can to keep our mindset in check!
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What 30 Days of Meditating Will Do For You
Meditating… You hear about all the benefits, know it will help you live your best life, test it out occasionally, maybe even incorporate it into your life weekly… but have you ever really given it a true chance?
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Four Questions to Help You Live More Intentionally
When is the last time you checked in with yourself to make sure your life is going in the direction you really want it to go?
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3 questions that will Help You When Considering a Career Change
There’s nothing worse than feeling stuck in a job. Feeling ready for a change but also feeling so overwhelmed, scared and confused on what your next steps should be.
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The Secret to Motivation and Momentum
You can change your habits by becoming aware of them and consciously replacing them with better habits. Let’s dive in!
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