In honor of Women’s history month, I wanted to share some of the most powerful words that have empowered and moved me over the years.
Call me a nerd but I continuously turn to quotes for inspiration and encouragement in life. There’s something so powerful about the way words can make you feel less alone in whatever it is you are chasing after in life.

They also remind you that your voice matters.
Something I know many women (myself included) struggle to believe and fully embrace.
Sadly, the fear of visibility, of fully putting yourself out there and using your voice, is what keeps most women from reaching the levels of success and impact they are worthy of in life.
I say this after spending the first 30 years of my own life limiting myself because of this fear.
I didn’t realize it for quite some time, because it was all I ever knew, but this fear had been holding me back in life ever since I was a young girl.
It wasn’t until I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer shortly after my 30th birthday that I began to see things differently….
an empowering story about the power of your voice
I still remember the day of the surgery.
Coming back to consciousness and seeing my family all around me, not smiling, but just quietly sitting there will still faces.
I didn’t know it at the time, but none of them had the heart to tell me that there were some complications during surgery. After everything I had been through the years prior, they couldn’t bear to give me more bad news, so they just gave me hugs and waited for the doctor to speak.

That was when the doctor shared the news.
First came the good news. The surgery was a success and they got all the cancer. I wouldn’t need to proceed to chemo or radiation, we caught it early enough!
A sense of relief and gratitude immediately washed over me. But it didn’t last long.
After the good news, my doctor immediately continued on with the bad news.
“Unfortunately there were some complications, and we’re not sure if you’ll ever fully regain your voice.”
Everything got a little bit blurry then.
I can’t fully explain the wave of emotions that swept over me.
I beat cancer, that was such a blessing and I was so unbelievably grateful. But I was also angry, sad, and completely terrified.
Here I was only 30 years old, recently single, fighting cancer for the third time, and I might never be able to speak again.
blessing in disguise
I was crushed, but for the first time in my life, I also finally understood just how precious and powerful our voices are.
I prayed and promised God that if it returned, I would stop wasting it, and use it for some good.
I’m happy to share that after a couple of months of experimental treatments and vocal exercises my voice did strengthen.
Now I express my gratitude every day and truly love nothing more than being able to use my voice as a way to inspire and empower others.
I know it can be hard to believe and scary to use, but your voice – IT MATTERS.
Here are some of my favorite quotes that help me strengthen my resolve in facing the fear of visibility, speaking up, and using my voice for positive change in the world.
I hope they help you too 🖤

And of course… some of my favorites words of wisdom from the Miss Carrie Bradshaw because we can always use a little Sex and the City in our lives 😉

Lastly one of my own because I want to show you that YOU CAN overcome this fear…

In my next post I’ll share a little trick that will help you overcome this fear even more.
To your health and happiness,

Now is your time!
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