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Stop whatever you’re doing right now and ask yourself this question: Is your life going in the direction you really want it to go?
It’s so easy to get caught up in the motions of everyday life, doing only what you NEED to do without a moment to think about what you really WANT to do.
Sadly sometimes we get stuck on autopilot in life. We end up living according to shoulds rather than wants. Each year we vow to do things differently but then the year comes and goes without any change. Does this sound like you?
If so it’s time for your wake up call.
We only have two months left until 2020. Rather than watching another year come and go, shake yourself awake! I have three steps that will help you gain clarity around what you want to achieve in your short life, get intentional with your time, and create a more fulfilling life full of energy, joy, and success.
Seriously, do they even work? Setting one giant goal for the whole year ahead not only encourages us to be unrealistic, but we rarely take action on these types of goals as we think we have the entire year ahead to achieve them. Before we know it, the year is then over and we haven’t managed to accomplish that goal.
I’m not saying don’t set an overarching goal for the year ahead, goals are definitely powerful! But let’s break that dream goal down into smaller monthly and daily goals that will help you see progress, maintain motivation, and actually bring you closer to your dream.
You can start doing this now with intentional planning and goal setting.

I’m not talking about those plain, boring journals that you get from family for Christmas. Invest in a journal that excites you and encourages you to be more intentional when you plan your days, weeks and months.
I am in love with the Passion Planner and Law of Attraction Planner. I tent to rotate between these two every other year. Not only do they encourage you to set goals and targets for each day, but they include a reflection section every month. Our Habits for Higher Level Living course also includes daily journaling and planning sheets you can make your own.
Journaling every day encourages you to practice gratitude, set intentions for your day and keeps you accountable for the tasks and targets you have laid out as part of your purposeful planning.
This is the fun part! Once you have gained clarity from reflection and have a vision in your mind of how you want your life to be, don’t be afraid to daydream about it! Our thoughts become our actions. If we continuously think and dream about achieving our goals and believe in ourselves, we are manifesting positive energy and subconsciously making it happen!
Start believing that you deserve the life you want. Creating a vision board and putting it somewhere that you can see it every day will set your mind and intentions in the right direction every day as you hustle and work hard towards your goals.
Sooo.. What do you say, are you ready to take back your life?
Then it’s time for you to join our FREE Purposeful Planning Retreat! Let me take you through a life assessment and intentional/fun goal planning session that will help you live your very best life in 2020.
Sign up HERE to reserve your place and receive a free downloadable purposeful planning guide to support you on your journey of self-discovery today.
To your happiness and Higher Level Living – xo Nicole
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Ready to take back your life?
Join Life Coach Nicole Hague, in a free life assessment and planning session that will help you live with more purpose, passion, and peace.