Today on the blog, my client, Miranda Allen, is sharing her story. I was so excited when she reached out about life coaching earlier this year. She had so many of the fundamental building blocks in place, but she needed an outside perspective to help steer her towards her true self and heartfelt desires. The rest of this post is in her words!
What was your life like before working with me? – what were you struggling with
Before I started working with Nicole, my life was very chaotic. I was working day and night trying to run a new business, maintain an older one, and complete all my work for my 9-5. I was on the brink of burnout, but I didn’t know it yet. I was struggling hard with time management. There wasn’t an hour in the day for myself. I was so wrapped up in my never ending to-do list that I didn’t once stop to look around and access if all this craziness was even in line with my hearts true desires. I knew something had to give, but I couldn’t figure out what. I lived in a land of black and white.
Why did you decide to work with me?
After spending six months getting to know Nicole, I started looking into her life coaching programs. I felt lost, and I was confident she could pull me out of my madness and help me see things from an outside perspective. I had come to trust her. Not only as a person, but as a coach. After look into her programs for a month or two, I loved how tangible and actionable they seemed.
What has it been like working with me?
Working with Nicole has been life changing and I could never say that lightly. I’ve gone to therapist in the past where I never felt comfortable truly sharing what was in my head or on my heart, but the way Nicole approaches conversations is completely different. She gives you everything you need to go on a journey of transformation. Things became so clear the more and more I worked with Nicole.
What have the results been since working with me?
I was able to shift my perspective in so many ways. It was like I broke out of this box that the world and my past had build around me. I’m no longer chained to the lies I was conditioned to believe. Nicole has helped me overcome fear in so many different ways. Fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of the truth. It’s like I can finally breathe.
What’s your life like now?
I’ve never felt more optimistic about my journey than I do today. I feel so good in my own skin, confident in my dreams, and motivated in the pursuit of them. And surprisingly, life finally feels calm and content for once even though I’m still juggling all of the work I was this summer. Nicole helped me get laser focused on a vision for my life, the right vision, my vision, not the one someone else crafted for me, and that has changed everything.
If you are considering life coaching, all I can say is you will never regret it. Working with Nicole is worth its weight in gold. I wish I would have found her sooner. I look forward to having this amazing woman in my life for many years to come.
If you are considering life coaching, but not sure if we are the right fit, I would love to have you join my virtual Personal Planning Retreat in January. The workshop will give you a peek inside one of my brand new courses launching in early 2019. You will walk away with actionable insights you can use to grow into your true self in the new year. Follow the link below to register. I look forward to seeing you there!
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