I used to think mornings were busy…. until I had kids.
Then I was like ummm…. This is INSANE!
Don’t worry about oversleeping.
Do worry about how the heck you’ll keep doing #allthethings
At least it’s like that in our house anyway.
But as a busy mom and business owner, I had to make a lot of changes to ensure I had enough time to get things done. And to keep my mental sanity in check (as much as possible at least).
I’m sharing some elements of my morning routine that have become SO critical — they’ve taken me from SURVIVAL MODE to THRIVE MODE.
1. wake up before they do
This takes some practice, but once you get in the habit you’ll never go back. And trust me – it’s doesn’t always work out this way (sometimes I’m disrupted throughout the night and have to hit snooze), but I set my alarm for at least 30 minutes earlier than their expected rise time. Start with 5 or 10 minutes and work your way up.
Even if you’re NOT a morning workout person, you can make this time your own. It’s your chance to wake up calmly. How you spend those first few minutes has a major impact on the rest of your day. My goal is to get thinking positively and clearly, and it needs to be on my own terms, not just someone yelling my name.
2. hydrate
This is the easiest tip that so many neglect. Water provides us with so much natural energy and since you’ve just slept for all that time, you’ve been dehydrated and need to make up for lost time! So get chugging! Lemon helps to aid with digestion and I generally follow with my favorite energy booster — it’s a plant-based supplement derived from green tea.
I don’t take a ton of supplements and I’m not even a typical caffeine drinker, but since having kids, just a little bit of this product goes a longggg way. I feel like I have super powers (without even needing coffee). And if you are a coffee or tea drinker, that’s totally cool. That can be part of your morning ritual! Just have an extra glass of water to offset.
3. prioritize the important stuff
I like to set big goals but also be realistic. Just like setting your alarm and waking early, everything you plan to do may not happen exactly as you dreamt. But you need some sort of a gameplan, so you know where to begin.
As yourself – “What are three MUST Dos?”
for your business, your home, your mindset
Determine what needs your time or undivided attention and what can wait until later. And just because you ENJOY doing a particular task doesn’t mean it needs to be top of your list. Typically, I choose the harder or less desirable activity and get it out of the way. If you don’t want to do it when you have your energy, how the heck are you going to get motivated for it when you’re exhausted?
And most importantly – eating. Unless you’re into Intermittent Fasting (which is cool, just look research it), prioritize your breakfast! So many parents tell me they forget to eat or just grab something off their kids’ plates. Fueling up for your day is important for your body and your brain. And I’m sorry, but I rarely “forget” to eat. All kidding aside, I do know how the constant demands can lead you to postpone your own meals. Sit down with them, have healthy options available for all of you (see my Breakfast Ideas here – www.katelyngleasonwellness.com/breakfastideas), or include a nutrient-dense shake or smoothie so it’s quick and easy on the go.
4. have your plan in place
When I was struggling to get out of the house with a newborn, a fellow mom suggested I lay out my clothes the night before. I’ve stuck with that simple strategy ever since and actually pick out the kids’ clothes in advance now, too.
Morning time is precious and when you need to be somewhere suddenly everyone has a last minute bathroom emergency or you’re caught cleaning up a mess (please say that’s not just me!). Not having to think about what to wear or where to find them is a major time saver.
Even better, have bags packed, snacks prepared, and belongings in the car. Can you tell that I like to do as little thinking as possible when I wake up? At least .. I like to save it for my journaling and those top work priorities. But really, there’s NOTHING more frustrating than expending all that energy to head out and then realizing you forgot what you need at home.
5. put on your patient pants
This isn’t as much of a habit as it is a reminder. Kids change everything and they ROCK your mornings (albeit sometimes in the sweetest ways). When your morning doesn’t go as planned try making some small shifts instead of throwing in the towel. Missed your workout window? Can you fit it in later before dinner or when your kids go to bed? How about just doing it alongside them while they play?
Laundry to be done and the kitchen to be cleaned? It will happen. And trust me – that’s stuff that ALWAYS needs to get done, so don’t fret.
Your morning routine is going to take work and it’s also going to need to be tweaked as seasons change and priorities shift. Set yourself up for success by introducing one or two new habits at a time. No one expects you to be perfect and master your morning productivity all at once.
When something goes well, pause and celebrate that. A simple moment of gratitude will send signals to your brain and keep your momentum going. Conversely, the extra rushing around will trigger stress hormones that lead to more anxiety and even issues with digestion, high blood pressure, and your immune system. Deep breaths!

For more resources from Katelyn click here or follow her on Instagram .
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