“It’s ok to be happy exactly where you are” -Nicole O’Neill
You’re probably reading this and thinking one of two thoughts…
- That can’t be true, there’s so much more I need to do before I can be happy.
- Duh Nicole… and if you feel this way I applaud you! You have already embraced what I’m about to share and it’s a powerful perspective to have in life. I encourage you to share it with others because it’s something most struggle with.
Personally this statement – that it’s ok to be happy exactly where you are – has been a major life revelation for me over this past year, and I’ve come to realize I’m not alone….
Tell me if you can relate to this ….
Your whole life you’ve felt like you’ve had to accomplish something more, be doing the most you possibly can to overcome what you’ve been through…but it’s never enough. Regardless of how much you do, how much you accomplish, how much you overcome you still feel as though it’s not enough.
And as a result you feel guilty about resting, slowing down, or being happy with where you are because deep down you feel like you have to prove yourself in some way.
This is been my way of life for as long as I can remember. As a result I’ve gotten caught up in a constant mindset of what’s next, what else I can do…and I put this crazy pressure on myself to figure it out, to do more. It drains me, and truthfully makes me feel quite anxious and depressed which is no way to live.
But recently I had an epiphany. One day as I was walking my pup in our adorable new town surrounded by nature and thinking about all the good stuff I have to be grateful for, it hit me like a ton of bricks… why the hell am I rushing ahead?!
I’ve worked so hard to get to where I am, been through so much.. why wouldn’t I slow down & just freaking ENJOY it?!
I’m all about learning, growing, becoming your best self, and making the most of life… but sometimes the best is exactly where you are right now and there’s no need to think about what’s next but rather enjoying where you are and trusting it will be revealed when the time is right.
As soon as I allowed myself to entertain this thought, this approach to life, it was like a wave of relief came over me. It’s so simple, makes so much sense, but I had been refusing to entertain it as truth.
So my message to you is…
- If you can relate to this constant go go go
- If you struggle to feel like you are enough or that you are doing enough
Know that there will always be more to do. There will always be ways to grow and evolve. What but is the point of it all if you are not allowing yourself to enjoy it as it comes?

If we keep rushing ahead, we’ll be sure to miss out on everything we’ve worked so hard for, prayed for, and have around us right now.
So today I encourage you to enjoy exactly where you are right now. Celebrate all you have accomplished in your life.
And the next time you feel that pressure creeping in, those vicious self thoughts of not being or doing enough…. allow yourself to press pause. Tell yourself to shut up, shhh, or be quiet (whatever works for you 😉) and shift your perspective to everything you have in your life right now that makes you smile.
Look at everything you have accomplished, all the good you have around you, and allow yourself to feel happy for where you are in life right now.
Soak in the moment and enjoy your life now before it passes too quickly ❤
And if you could use a tool to help you shape this perspective in your life, download my secrets to happiness guide. It walks you through the best habits for calming your anxiousness and being happy in the now!
Wishing you all the love and happiness,
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