Do you want to know what one of the biggest energy sucks is?
The sneaky culprit that is sabotaging your momentum and motivation?
Ok, this is a two-part answer…
- First, there is a bad habit that is robbing you of motivation – Procrastination.
- Then, there is the habit you don’t do enough to maintain your motivation – Celebrate Progress.
But you can change your habits by becoming aware of them and consciously replacing them with better habits.
Let’s briefly dive into both.
Procrastination is a learned habit. A sneaky bad habit that you’ve adopted over time. And each time you procrastinate something you lower your energy, motivation, and subconsciously strengthen self-doubting limiting beliefs. Basically you self sabotage yourself with procrastination.
Celebrating is a powerful habit few of us actually make time for. It’s where you allow yourself to see progress. And progress = how you maintain endurance and motivation in life.
Each week I ask my clients and team how they are going to reward their progress and hard work from the week prior because I want them to maintain their endurance and motivation.
Celebrating progress prevents burnout and reignites your energy/motivation in the pursuit of your goals. It helps you enjoy the journey.
Plus if you’re not celebrating your accomplishments, what’s the point in doing them anyway right?

The great news:
Habits are learned and can be changed!
Now that you’re aware of 2 habits that impact your motivation and momentum in life, you can be more intentional with them.
Awareness is the first step towards positive change and growth. The second step is action.
So what will you do with this new awareness? Don’t worry I’m going to give you some answers as a jumpstart 😉
Join the Free 7 Day Challenge
Our Best Life Bootcamp is a free 7- day email challenge that gives you small daily activities that help you get ahead of procrastination, boost motivation and energize you in life.
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Need help developing more powerful habits?
We’ve got you covered there too!