Transformation is hard, it’s not supposed to be easy… it causes chaos in your life. That’s exactly why we must be proactive with doing all we can to keep our mindset in check!
- If you want to reap all the rewards that come from transformative times…
- If you want to conquer self-doubt…
- If you want to stay ahead of anxiousness…
- If you want to stay committed to this journey you’re on…
It’s time to train the muscle that is your mind so it works for you, rather than against you.
Here are 10 perspective shifts to level up your mind as we jump into mastering your mindset together.
Perspectives to Master Your Mindset:
- Become unavailable to the struggle
- Tell yourself and the people you love what and why you are doing it
- Commit to yourself as though you will see this through
- Follow your curiosity
- Keep your frequency high
- Tell yourself who to be each day
- Lean into your fears
- Liven up your environment
- Stay in your own lane but remember comparison leaves clues
- Rise from a daily job to a mighty mission
With a fresh perspective, it’s time to take action. Each of the steps below will move you one step closer to clarity in your life. Don’t rush through the activities. Take time for each one and watch your life start to transform!
1. Write a Letter to Yourself
Tell yourself how you are feeling as you kick this off, why you are here, what are you hoping to get out of this? This helps you clearly define your own personal goals and sets your mind up for success. This will also be impactful to come back to and reference when you need to reflect back on how much progress you have made.
2. Tell the people you love what and why you are doing.
This will help to strengthen your resolve, give you a one-up on self-doubt or naysayers, be a system of accountability, and make this commitment so much more real.
Write it below to get your thoughts together then share it with me in an email as well!
3. Commit to a book to strengthen your growth mindset.
Committing daily to books, podcasts, videos, etc that are educational, inspirational, or empowering will help you be proactive with your mind. It’s not about self help, it’s about personal growth and keeping your frequency high.
If you enjoyed these activities, I urge you to invest in Clarify Your Calling, a self paced online coaching program that helps you take control of your life by reconnecting you to who you really are. In a world where people feel invisible, I love helping them be seen… To themselves first, then to the rest of the world. I believe we’re all here to experience the very best in life and that we’re each created with special gifts that can positively impact the world.
My experiences and training gifted me with the ability to understand and predict human behavior. I have a way of seeing a person’s strengths, passions, roadblocks, and potential impact on the world. I created this coaching program because I’m passionate about helping you see all this more clearly for yourself.

Clarify Your Calling
A self paced online coaching program that helps you take control of your life by reconnecting you to who you really are
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